Posted October 14, 2022
UW-River Falls offers a little-used program to all students, faculty and staff who feel uncomfortable walking to a campus destination during the evening hours.
The Safewalk Program allows persons to walk to a campus destination with someone else with a simple call to the University Police Department. All they must do is ask for an escort to wherever they need to go.
“It is for individuals who may be feeling unsafe or uncomfortable walking, so they make that phone call and we’ll respond accordingly,” said Police Chief Karl Fleury.
Assuming the police crew is not preoccupied, someone will quickly report to the call and escort that person to their destination in a safe manner.
“For example, someone may work until 3 o’clock in the morning and maybe they see something or hear something that makes them uncomfortable. They have the ability to call campus police and we will assist them as we can,” said Fleury.
The program is used on occasion throughout the school year by students and staff but not as often as some might think.
“Many students choose to walk in groups which is a great thing to do,” the police chief said. “We have a great campus community and a safe campus community, so it is very helpful in that way.”
For more information on the Safewalk Program, call the UWRF Police Department at (715) 425-3133 or visit and search “Safewalk Program.”
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