July 22, 2024

Community Support, Family Atmosphere, Help the Fighting Fish Thrive

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Hathorn Courtyard to Be Renovated After 30 Years

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23rd Annual Ellsworth Cheese Curd Festival Happening This Weekend

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Brochures highlight some of the crime victim services available in western Wisconsin.
Brochures highlight some of the crime victim services available in western Wisconsin. (Photo by Lexi Janzer)

Crime victim services keep busy, face challenges audio

August 19, 2023


The coronavirus pandemic of 2019-2022 led to about 96.6 million people across the U.S. being infected and more than 1 million deaths. Student journalists of the Falcon News Service reported about the pandemic on campus.

Health officials keep watch on COVID, other illnesses

Pandemic trims parking revenue, but not for all

Obesity trend in western Wisconsin worries experts audio

Concert series cancelled, but RF Days return

More coronavirus coverage »

Falcon News Service stories are reported by students enrolled in journalism courses at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Stories may be used by other media provided credit is given to the author and to Falcon News Service.


Transit and transportation

Our first Reporting guide examines transit and transportation in western Wisconsin. Find information on topics such as the location of airports around the state, crash statistics, traffic counts, and the safety of railroad crossings.

Click here to explore