Watch the April 23, 2010, edition of “River Falls Update,” a news show created by UWRF journalism students. Featured are stories about the Crash on Cascade mock accident event, student thoughts on being green for Earth Day, the University Theatre’s production of “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and the Rockin’ for Robbie benefit concert.
The article may be found online at
River Falls Update, No. 14
By UWRF Journalism
Posted April 23, 2010
Watch the April 23, 2010, edition of “River Falls Update,” a news show created by UWRF journalism students. Featured are stories about the Crash on Cascade mock accident event, student thoughts on being green for Earth Day, the University Theatre’s production of “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and the Rockin’ for Robbie benefit concert.
The article may be found online at