May 9th, 2013
The landlord with the greatest number of rental units in River Falls is Wisota LLC, which controls 154 units in the Riverplace Apartments and Riverside Apartments. In all city records show that there are about 780 rental housing units in River Falls, 80 percent of which are controlled by 10 landlords.
May 9th, 2013
The total value amount for the 2012 estimated market value for rental properties in River Falls is $147,934,600, according to Pierce and St. Croix county property tax records. Most rental properties lost 2 percent to 4 percent of their estimated market value from 2011 to 2012.
May 8th, 2013
Of the more than 500 unique rental property owners in River Falls, the majority live in the city. City rental permit records reveal that about 40 percent live outside River Falls — even as far away as Hawaii.